Life is fast. There is so much that happens in a day. Sometimes it feels like we are running on a treadmill. For each of us the treadmill is set at different speeds throughout the day. At times we are doing a casual and comfortable stroll in the park type pace and there are times when we are in a mad dash where we find ourselves sprinting through life going from task to task. We are so busy going through our days activities that we don't really live in the moment.
Today I was driving home from work in rush hour traffic. If you know me, you will know that I absolutely hate traffic and I try to avoid it at any cost. I will take longer routes to ensure that I'm not stuck in traffic. However, today I decided to take the shortest way home and I just put on some of my favorite music and just sat there and relaxed and funny enough it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I realized that I spend much of my time stressed out in situations that I have absolutely no control over which only makes me agitated and anxious. Instead of living in the moment that I am in, I am preoccupied with the next moment and what lies ahead and what I would rather be doing.
When we live in the moment we are able to appreciate life a whole lot more. Whether the moment is pleasant or not, when we are able to accept it for what it is and give the moment the attention that it deserves then we are able to learn from it, enjoy it, endure it and grow from it . So let's snap out of the trance that we might be in as we go through life and start living in the moments that we have been given in this life as we strife to live life to the fullest.